Emmett Sullivan: Corrupt, Incompetent or Worse


It is difficult to know whether Judge Emmet G. Sullivan rendered his recent decision  because he is so corrupt that he is willing to abuse the power of the bench to advance a partisan agenda; because he is incompetent to apprehend the actual language of the United States Constitution (Constitution); or because of insecurity, fearing his pass to the country club might be revoked if he failed to appease his sponsors.

Regardless of the reason, Sullivan has demonstrated that he is one of the ever growing number of judges who presume to substitute their own opinions and views for the law and the Constitution.

In point of fact, congress has no constitutional standing to bring a suit against a private company; that is the purview of the Department of Justice. Nor does congress have constitutional authority to bring a suit against the President of the United States. If congress believes the President has contravened the United States Constitution, the ONLY remedy provided by the Constitution is impeachment; and the judiciary cannot be used as an alternative to or in lieu of impeachment. A competent judge would know  this.

If Sullivan truly believed congress had standing to bring the suit, at the very least, he would have required the collective to be represented by the leadership; the Speaker of the House and The Senate Leader; not a partisan coalition.

If the President’s corporate lawyers are competent they will reject Sullivan’s decision because there is no constitutional founding for the legislature to sue anyone. The Attorney General should reject the notion that the courts can be used as an alternative method of impeachment; and accentuate the egregious contravention of the separation of powers inherent in conflating legislative and judicial powers.

Ironically, it is Sullivan who should be impeached for his decision.

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