Elizabeth Warren came to prominence as a soapbox zealot; champion of the so called middle (economic)  class cultivating class envy by railing against large, successful corporations and wealthy Americans while rallying for a federal agency with the power to relieve them of more of the fruits of their labors.

Though she was instrumental in the creation of such an agency; notwithstanding its lack of constitutional founding; the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CBPB), the US Senate apparently realized she was too myopic, vindictive and obsessed to head an agency with such power. It advised the president that if she were nominated she would not be confirmed.

She characterized the rejection as good ole boys’ injustice to women and parlayed that narrative into a US Senate seat, from which she continues to rail against the wealthy and the corporations that are the foundation of the US economy; employing the very taxpayers who made her a multi-millionaire.

She has demonstrated no legislative competence relative to the US Constitution; rather she seeks to cultivate support for herself and her party by instigating fear of their opposition with hyperbole, equivocation, prevarication and propaganda; such as, predicting a nationwide ban of abortions should her party not be in the majority. That is a patently untrue.

Under the Tenth Amendment abortion is the purview of the STATES, with no provision for federal usurpation or supplantation.

Veracity is integral to integrity. A working knowledge of the US Constitution is requisite for competent legislating, Elizabeth Warren has neither.

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